
Chinese Junk

Year: 1986 Current Price: $155K USD Location: Mediterranean Hull Material: Steel
Engine/Fuel Type: Diesel
This unique modern days 54ft chinese junk rig motor sailer, designed by naval architect Thomas Colvin, offers numerous
advantages to modern day sailing.
Made out of steel, timber fit out and state of the art sail design, the vessel is presented in very good condition
after major 2006 refit.
She has the most comprehensive inventory, ready and fully equipped for comfortable offshore and blue water sailing.
A very reluctant sale due to doctor's orders!!
The price has now been drastically reduced to £98,000
Vessel type: Junk rigged schooner
Designer: Thomas Colvin
Builder: Nelco marine
Model: Kung Fu Tse
Year constructed: 1986
Berths: 7
No. of engines: 1
Engine model: Perkins 4236
Engine power: 80 HP
Fuel type: Diesel
Drive type: Shaft drive
Length over all: 54'
Beam: 14'
Maximum draft: 5'
Hull material: Steel
Hull type: Long keel
Displacement: 28 metric tons
Fuel capacity: 800 Litres
Water capacity: 1200 Litres
Holding tank capacity: 100 Litres
-Main engine: Perkins 4236 (350 hours since rebuild in 2006)
-Gear box: Borg warner 2.1-1
-Shaft: 2" stainless steel shaft and cutlass bearing renewed 2007
-Propeller: four blade bronze 21' fitted new 2007
-Gensets: Robin diesel 3.5kva
-Bowthruster: Vetus 95 kgf installed new 2006
-Outboard: 2.5 hp four stroke Yamaha (very light use)
-Tanks : 2x 400 litre fuel tanks
-Water : 4x 300 litre plus one deck 100 litre
Perkins 4236
Perkins 4236 Robins aircooled diesel generator
Robins aircooled diesel generator
Work bench portside engineroom
-Steel hull, bulkheads,deck and deck housings, wheelhouse is steel framed and timber clad.
-Bulkheads, 5 in number including Collision, fwd and tiller flat.
-Hard chine with bow and stern transoms, well raked.
-Steel long keel with internal ballast.
-Fenestrated rudder
Fit out from fwd:
From the bow to the collition bulkhead, this space is divided into port and stbd chain lockers plus fwd cordage storage
area, access from port and stbd hatches on deck. New electric windlass with 100 metres new chain installed November 2008.
Aft of the collision bulkhead is the fwd full double berth 6' 9" long! with ensuite shower, toilet and wash hand
basin.The library is situated aft of the berth with capacity for wellover a hundred books. Underneath this cabin is the very
large bosun's store with huge inventory of spares etc, the bow thruster is also located here.
aft of the fwd berth is the other heads with shower etc which services the three single berths in this area. There
is a wood burning stove and airconditioning unit located here. A companionway leads to the maindeck and there is also a door
leading into the engine room which also gives access to the aft accomodation via a walk through engine room. Aft of the engine
room is the very large galley and saloon with full size gas cooker and oven, double sink unit plus fridge and freezer units
with companionway leading up to the aft located wheelhouse which measures 11 feet by 8 feet and has very comfortable seating
with built in sofa in the aft area. Underneath the wheelhouse is a large storage area.
Batteries; 5 x 100 amp hour (new 2006) 1x 220 amp hour, bowthruster (new 2006)
1x battery charger
1x 800 watt inverter
1x 15 amp Lucas prop shaft generator
1x 10 amp Rutland wind generator
1x 70 amp Perkins alternator
12 volt lighting and circuits throughout
240 volt power outlets throughout
Ground gear;
New electric windlass and 100 metres of new 10mm chain 2008 with 56 kg Danforth anchor on Starboard side
-1 mechanical windlass with two gypsies and 135 metres of 13 mm chain with 36kg anchor on port side.
1x spare 14kg Danforth and 1 x 7 kg Danforth kedge anchor
2x 56metre 200 mm nylon anchor/towing warps,
Huge inventory of cordage onboard of all sizes
1x 8ft aluminium tender on stainless steel davits aft
10 fenders
New covers include, awning, liferaft, outboard,
gas cylinders, ventilators, hatches, all new 2006/2007
All external upholstery recovered 2007
Sails & Spars
Mizzen sail--437 sq ft (new 2006)
Main sail-- 506 sq ft (new 2006)
Foresail-- 378 sq ft (new 2006)
New sail covers made 2007
3x aluminium masts, new galvanised stays 2006,
All rigging overhauled or replaced 2006
Navigation Equipment
Electronic equipment
garmin GPS 120,
Clipper Navtex (2006)
Ratheon SL 70 radar (2006)
Raymarine Ray54E DSC-VHF,(2006)
Raymarine Bidata echosounder/Log, (2006)
Auto Helm 6000-- auto pilot,
2x Duraband PME 180 hand held radios (2006)
Further wheelhouse equipment--
GME model MT400 EPIRB (2006)
Stockburger barometer, Stockburger brass clock,
2 x Davis sextants, Aldiss longrange signalling light,1,000,000 candle power searchlight, Kent clear view screen,Walkers
log, Comprehensive chart folio (uncorrected), full set of code and signalling flags,
Full size chart table, 12 life jackets, stereo system
Safety Equipment
Safety equipment;
6 man liferaft with hydrostatic release , full inspection and service 2006
EPIRB GME model MT 400
12 lifejackets
3 safety harnesses
1x MOB dan buoy
Set of flares plus smoke new 2006
First aid kit comprehensive,
Grab box.

